create the life you want

create the life you want


Tips for the Work-from-Home Mom

Thursday, August 24, 2017

A question I get A LOT as a working home mom is how do I do it?

How do I separate time that I could be working with sometimes more 
appealing things like:

- Snuggling with my kiddos

- Watching Disney's Descendants 2 with my kiddos

(that's not at all appealing to me just something that happens all day every day
around here lately, so I felt I should include it)

- Catching up on housework

- Napping when they nap
(this one is TOUGH for me)

- Answering each and every question or favor the kids may have


So I've made a list of the 4 things I believe and stand by to help keep me
accountable and in check when it comes to running my business under the same roof
as my 3 girls, loving husband and undone chores and daily lovely chaos. 


Remembering your WHY when you think of why you began the journey of working
from home-- regardless of what field of work you are in. 

This one is most important to consider on those days where you just feel like
you cannot do it all. 


There are going to be so many days where you either got nothing done as far as work goes, as
well as days where your kiddos and their sweet needs go unanswered for the day
and book reports leaving every man to fend for themselves 

and EVERYTHING in between. 

I think we as working women, especially working mother's need to 
cut ourselves some SLACK.

It is absolutely impossible to have the best of both worlds
and a flawless schedule and results on both ends of the spectrum. 

I remember WHY I chose to work from home and it keeps me in check. 

I knew it wouldn't be perfect, I knew that there may be days
where if I had some off site office that I would be able to perhaps
accomplish A LOT more. 

I knew that I may be giving up a date night or two to catch up on work
with my husband. 

And I had to learn to be OK with that. 

For each and every BAD day.. there are 100 good. 

I get to be present for the little things like:

- enjoying each and every meal at the table with my kids
- watching them interract and come and go with friends
- be there to wake them up and put them down each night
- being there for those special rare moments like lost teeth 

But most importantly being there to support, love and watch them grow. 
They in turn getting the opportunity to watch their mother sacrifice
her time and schedule to love them AND provide for them when she can. 

I hope they always remember that as much as work means to me

they will always mean SO MUCH MORE


I am not saying that just because mother's do not work from home that they
do not love their children.


There is no way to measure a mother's love. 
To ME one of THE biggest sacrifices is leaving each morning
or night to go to work for your family. I admire all mothers both those working, an
stay at home, work from home and everything in between. 



Absolutely nothing get's done for me unless I have it scheduled. 
I mean I schedule laundry, play dates and EVERYTHING inbetween on 
my calendar app and at home calendar for my kids to see. 

Each and every week I sit down and review the upcoming plans. 
(I do it only a week in advance because so many things come up and or change
last minute its much easier to write details once finaled)

This also really helps me remain PRESENT and not worrying too far in advance before I need.'

Most of all I LOVE getting my kids involved. 

Together we sit down at family night and talk about the week and ask
each other what we may need last minute or need the other to remind us of!

When they know about upcoming appointments, play dates or cheerleading practices etc.,
they help me my getting ready themselves, sometimes REMINDING me, and they learn the
power and fun in keeping organized and responsible. 


Finding and establishing your own space. 

Some of us may not have the luxury of having a separate room or office here at home.

Before I was lucky enough to finally have an entire room of my own for me
it was important to let my girls know that my corner of the living room, kitchen counter or
even at times my bedroom when my computer and clothes were out meant mommy was 
"at work" and that we needed to make positive that we played quietly and only 
came if they really really needed help with something. 

Mentally it really helped me to separate home and my "office" and help me
get in the groove when I needed to really buckle down and work when I arrived at my space. 

More importantly, it made it SO MUCH EASIER to log off and disconnect when they time came and
walk back into the kitchen and rejoin my family and leave work and any stresses behind. 


Some of my favorite apps I wanted to share that help me get organized are as followed:


Google Calendar



Remember the Milk

Lastly, not digital but an at home LARGE fridge calendar so my girls can read and understand our
schedule and at times (more than I'd like to admit) remind ME of what is coming up.

Lastly, remember as I always say to never compare yourself or your
work load or kitchens cleanliness to others. We are all out here trying to do the same thing. 

Provide for our families and LOVE our children. 

Let's go easy on one another and continue lifting and inspiring one another. 

There is room for ALL of us!

Xo, Sadi

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